Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not the usual Happy me :(

Today Im feeling very overwhelmed, bummed, sad etc. I just want to cry. Its one of those days. I think everything is cathcing up with me a reality is setting in and Im not really sure what to do. I feel like I have no time for anything. I havent been able to do any laundry in like a week and a half, I dont have time to cook, I barely have time to play with Taylor or just be with her and its all just really bumming me out. I wake up at around 6, get ready for work, wake up Taylor, get her ready for school, drop her off at school, rush to work to get there on time, leave work, pick up Taylor from Daycare, get home fix her something to eat that doesnt require cooking, go to the gym to train, get home, spend 1/2 hour with Taylor before she has to go to bed and by that time its 9 at night and Im so exhausted and my body aches so bad that all I want to do is lay down and go to bed myself.
Tonight my family is all going out to eat to celebrate that my brother is home safely from Iraq (THANK GOD!) and I just feel really left out. Not at all anything that my family has done. They are going to be celebrating and eating pizza & drinking beer and Im going to at the gym training and then once I get there I will be watching them.
I think everything is just kind of crashing down on me and Im realizing this is going to be harder than I thought so again, Im just over whelmed. But I will get through it. I have a great support system thats cheerling me on so I know I can do it.
Actually I cant wait to see Sharon tonight cause she always help me & makes me confident that I can do this so Im looking forward to her pep talk :) I seriously owe her my life!!! She makes me believe in myself so much.

so enough about my sorrows let talking about the good stuff! I oficially made it in the Daily Herald on Mondy. It wasnt as bad as I though but it said "Single Mom suffering from Depression!" ha ha ha ha ha. I find that so funny. DOnt get me wrong I am sad about my weight but I dont find myself suffering fom depression. Oh well. Everyone that knows me knows Im not depressed and its really only you guys that I care about. I think the video is going to be posted on the on Monday.

As far as my eating goes: I have been pretty much sticking to the same thing everyday. Im pretty plain. Plus its really easy to pack up for work and stuff. I just bought the Fix It & Forget It Lightly cookbook. Hopefully there are good reciepes that I can set and have ready by the time I get off of work.

Tom is excited about this me needing to cook situation..... We went to Trader Joes on Sunday and his plan is that I will buy the healthy organic groceries and cook for him. Which actually I dont really mind. They say the way to a mans heart is through his stomach!!!! ha ha ha He's so good to me, he deserves it!!!

as far as exercising goes here is what Sharon has me doing for homework:

push ups - 3 sets of 8
mason twists - 3 sets of 20
50 squats
50 jumping jacks
30 minutes of running
Leg stretches & quad stretches

I finally saw my competition too!!! There are 2 other girls and we are all around the same weight and height. and then 2 men that are about the same weight. One of the guys is an "ex jock" I think hes going to be my biggest competition.
Who ever wins gets a $1000 shopping spree, $200 hair & makeup makeover & a photo session. Even though losing all the weight is prize enough for me.... The shopping spree will be awesome!

More to come...............


  1. So excited you are doing this Chris! There will always be 'downs' when your working towards something great, keep your head up!!! If anyone can do it, its you!!! *I LOVE YOU*

  2. Don't stress! Gotta keep that eye on the prize, girl. And even though you are missing out on time with Taylor now, think of the better quality time you'll get to spend with her when you're a fitter, healthier mom! Also, the skills you are learning now are such valuable tools that hopefully you'll pass on to her. I think the greatest gift you could give her is to instill good habits now so that she'll never have to battle weight issues! You're doing this for the both of you so keep on keepin' on!
