Thursday, February 5, 2009

I survived..... barely!!!!

OH MY WORD!!!!! I got my ass kicked last night like nobodys business. I almost fainted twice and came close to throwing up at the end of the workout. It was an hour and half of pure hell. There came a point that I thought I just couldnt do it. It was very overwhelming and emotional for me last night. I never realized how out of shape I have let myself become. Its not just my weight but everything. My heart rate kept going super high after only a few minutes of training. How could I let myself get to this point? I was very disappointed in myself but then I thought..... this is why I want this and need this so bad. Im only 28 years old. Theres no reason for me to be like this. I want this now more than ever.
So, while I was struggling through this crazy hard workout.... the Daily Herald was there taking pictures & video taping my entire workout!!!!!! It was soooooooooo embarrassing! There was one point where I can feel my pants up my butt and then Sharon (my trainer) is telling me to squeeze my cheeks together.... Mr Daily Herald man has it all on tape!!! Im anxious to see what all they are going to show. This might be very entertaining for all of you! Mortifying for me but entertaining for you.
Anyway... I managed to get through it and woke up this morning and feel like I need a body cast. I have no idea how Im going to go through another grueling training session tonight. I just keep thinking "It will get better!"
Here is how my workout schedule will go:

Monday: Trainer
Tuesday: Homework - Run for 1/2 hour, 3 sets of walking lunges at 16 each, 30 crunches
Wednesday: Trainer
Thursday: Trainer
Friday: Homework - Run for 1/2 hour, 3 sets of walking lunges at 16 each, 30 crunches
Saturday: Homework - Run for 1/2 hour
Sunday: Rest

Sharon said no matter how skinny, fat, fit etc you are you MUST build strength in your core!

I meet with the nutritionist on Saturday. I will let you know what they tell me. So far here is what I have learned:

Top 10 LOW Glycemic Foods you should eat: Apples, Berries & Cherries, Barley, Grapefruit, Legumes (lentils, beans, peanuts) Nuts (almonds, walnuts, soy nuts) Oatmeal (Unsweetened) Grean Peas, Tomatoes & unsweetened plain yogurt

Top 10 HiGH Glycemic Food to avoid: Candy, Cookies, Juices with added sugar, white potatoes, chips (corn or potato) Suger, Most breakfast cereal, sweetened soda, sweet snacks & white bread & bagels (processed flour)

Fat containing foods you should eat: Avocados, Cold water fish (Cod, salmon, tuna) Flaxseed oil or meal, grape seed oil, Nuts, Nut butters (almond or peanut) Olive oil, safflower Oil, sesame oil, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)

Fat containing foods to avoid: Cakes, cookies, doughnuts, potatoe chips and other snack foods, deep fried foods, lard, margarine, palm & palm kernal oil, shortening, poultry skin, Trans fats (such as :partially hydronated oils")

and if you can: ALWAYS SHOP ORGANIC!!!!

stay tuned for more to come.................

1 comment:

  1. Christie! I am SO very proud of you girl! I am going to be following your blog (and stealing ideas...sorry).
    I have switched to buying almost all my foods organic...seems to be the latest :)
    Good luck, and know you have my thoughts and support...I really admire you for doing this! I need to do this :)
    xoxox Sarah
